A short photo essay cannot do justice to this great museum, but I offer a few images to show the range of the collection.

Yes, the Blue Angels really do fly this close together in their signature diamond formation.

Every aviation era is represented.

Some aircraft, like this PBY, give you a chance to see what it was like to be part of the crew.

Long family separations have been part of Naval Service since the beginning. Homecoming brings us back to those we do it all for.

You can walk the deck of a World War II aircraft carrier mock up.

Coast Guard aviation is as much a part of Naval Aviation as the Navy and Marine Corps. The USCG is well represented.

How many carrier landings do you think this Intruder made?

How ever many landing it was, this is the landing gear built to handle them.

How would like to have this 14 cylinder beast in your plane?

Time for a break! When the US Navy base in Subic Bay, Philippines, was closed, they boxed up The Cubi Point Officers Club and sent it to the museum.

Squadrons and Detachments that passed through Subic Bay hired local artisans to make plaques and presented them to the O-Club.

This SH-60B was used to hunt submarines and surface ships. A few are still in use, but are being replaced by the SH-60R.

The last combat mission flown by an F-14 was conducted by this Tomcat.

Naval Aviation has been well represented in the astronaut corps from the beginning.

A personal favorite, the H-46 Sea Knight has served the Navy and Marine Corps for nearly 50 years.